Dual process theory (DPT) og bias mitigation:
- Bog: Kahnemann, Daniel: Thinking Fast and Slow, 2014
- Croskerry, Pat et al: Diagnosis – interpreting the shadows, 2017
- Artikel: https://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/22/Suppl_2/ii58
- Video: https://www.smacc.net.au/2015/12/cognitive-debiasing-thinking-straight-by-pat-croskerry/
- Bias mitigation
- Gawande, Atul: Checklist manifesto (for kort version af bogen findes gratis artikel: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/12/10/the-checklist )
- Blog: First10EM: https://first10em.com/cognitive-errors/
- http://www.stemlynsblog.org/when-is-a-door-not-a-door/
- http://www.lakartidningen.se/OldWebArticlePdf/1/19399/LKT1312s631_635NY.pdf
Probabilistisk / rationel klinisk tankegang
- St emlyns e-books: http://www.stemlynsblog.org/e-books/
- Hjemmesider
- https://www.cebm.net/2014/02/likelihood-ratios/
- Broomdocs:
- St emlyns
- LUCEM: http://lucem.info/
- Bøger
- McGee, Steven, 2017: Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis 4th edition
- Gøtzsche, Peter et al, 2014: Rationel Klinik 1. udgave, 4. oplag
- Goldacre, Ben: Bad Science og Bad Pharma
- Youtube klip
- Raul Pathwari (clinical thinking in the ED 1+ 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6QM0NK72o
- SEMEP: https://vimeo.com/user10044910 (Assesing the sick patient)
- Ragland, Julia et al: Addressing prognosis in serious illness
- Gawande, Atul: Being Mortal
- 4F modellen / ICE-modellen (kursus I kommunikation ved Københavns Universitet)
- CAMES kommunikation
- “tragten”
- Den svære samtale
- End of life samtalen (jf også Atul Gawande og Ragland herover)
- Akutmedicinsk kommunikation
- Closed Loop
- Teamleader rollen og kommunikation
- The handover (effektiv overlevering)
- Psyko-somatisk / holistisk tankegang / bio-psyko-social tankegang i akutmedicin:
- Smertepatienter (youtube: forstå smerte): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmRBl7OTipE
Well being / Mindfullness
- Mindfulness
- Taft, Michael: The mindful geek
- https://emcrit.org/emcrit/kettlebells-brain/
- Epstein, Ronald: Attending, 2017
- Mindullnurse: https://thenursepath.blog/2016/11/28/mindfulnurse/
- Mind of the meditator, Scientific American 2014
- Homeostase og wellbeing
- https://www.emra.org/about-emra/publications/bookstore/
- http://www.stemlynsblog.org/e-books/ (resuscitationist e-book)
- Elton, Caroline: Also human
- Kalanithi, Paul: When Breath becomes air
- Performance under pressure
Reference List
- Croskerry P, Cosby, Karen;, Graber, Mark L.; Singh, Hardeep. Diagnosis: Interpreting the Shadows2017.
- Carley SM, Nathalie; St. emlyns team. Risk, Probability and decisions in emergency medicine v2. 2017.
- Howard LC, Simon; St. emlyns team. The Resuscitationst’s Guide to Health and Wellbeing. 2018.
- Dryver E. http://lucem.info/ 2014 [
- Gawande A. The Checklist Manifesto: How to get things right. 2011.
- Patwari R. Youtube channel.
- McGee S. Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis. 2017;4th edition.
- Peter C. Gøtzsche HRW. Rationel Klinik. 2007.
Gå til:
– Del 1: Intro
– Del 2: Dual process theory
– Del 3: Men laver jeg også fejl?
– Del 4: Links og referencer